
Comic Relief Fundraising Week

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If you've been following us on our socials, you may have heard that last month we did lo...

By Ellie S

Marketing Executive

If you've been following us on our socials, you may have heard that last month we did lots of fundraising for Comic Relief's Red Nose Day! Our target was £250 and we managed to raise a whopping £944, but how did we do it? 

In this blog post, we will unpack all the fun antics our team got up to last month, to raise money for Comic Relief. 

Here at Standby Healthcare we certainly don't do things small, we're all about throwing ourselves into everything we do! It will come as no surprise then, that we chose to run a week-long Office Olympics to raise money for Red Nose Day.

Our hardworking directors, Kieran and Alex, stepped up to be team captains - resulting in a head-to-head showdown between Team Kieran (consisting of Abbie, Steph and Ellie) and Team Alex (consisting of Danielle, Luke and Sukhi). 

The first event our teams took part in was an office wheelie chair race, which has quickly become a fan favourite for everyone! Luke and Sukhi drove Team Alex to victory for this round and, on the heels of this, the team captains competed in a Fruit Rollup speed-eating race. Team Alex brought home the glory this round too!

The next task completed was a Tea Off, which was completed by Danielle and Ellie, who navigated a route laid out for them in the office. They had to carry cups of tea, filled to the very top, through the course in the fastest time possible. This round brought a comeback for Team Kieran, with Ellie taking the win!

Our team's biggest challenge yet followed this, their run to Percy Hedley's, Hedley College. 

Running to Hedley College was a huge task for our team, however, they all performed incredibly. They ran in their groups to Hedley College, tutus and all, in the sunshine and snow, to drop off some sweet treats to the college students! This presented an incredible opportunity for our team to conquer their greatest challenge yet! 

We'd like to thank the Percy Hedley Foundation for letting us visit Hedley College, it was such an honour for our team to have it as our goal endpoint and we loved being able to drop off treats for the students. 

Some further tasks we completed following this were a round of 'Trashket Ball' (won by Team Alex) and a classic egg and spoon race which Abbie victoriously won for Team Kieran.

Ultimately though, we had to turn to points collected throughout the games in order to crown our winning team, which led to Team Alex taking home the trophy!

Team Alex's win ultimately also meant there was a forfeit in store for our other team captain, Kieran. We ran a poll on our social media for what his forfeit should be and there was overwhelming excitement and support shown for an ice dunking. So, an ice dunking is what we did!

While we did have a lot of fun throughout these events, our team's focus and goal was to raise money for an important charity while also allowing our clients and candidates to better get to know our team. We are an agency that genuinely cares about our staff, ensuring they enjoy their time at work. Our industry knowledge and experience allow us to stand by those who work for us and those we work alongside with confidence, so we can ensure they end each day with a smile on their face.